Lately I get a lot of posts bows only comparable to that of the early years of this blog. From here, you know.The other day I bought forks.
For me, the headscarf has never had a sense of both religious and political. Many of you know that my favorite response to The question is "to fuck". And yet, I have always been very pretty with the hijab.
Some may remember this post the eve of Ramadan. Not that I have started working on that costume shop, he has not happen anything like what was portrayed, either.
A couple of weeks before that incident had to drop the handkerchief because of a friend, a feminist classic, far left, who insisted on saving. My friend, who had been holding the hijab a few years with saintly patience, one night in late July broke down and did not stop until the finished scarf in my bag, and I guess it suddenly fell decades of subservience to the men in my life, I returned from the Middle Ages and pocket I dropped pebbles to stone. Do not remember having a fight so huge for my Muslim condition like that, flamazos in school included. After the crap at all during an entire day, I decided never to wear hijab when we met, it was at least a couple of times a week. I thought a lot about the meaning of the headscarf and whether he should be faithful to the hijab or Islam, and came to the conclusion that this is too important for me to let a cloth is put between himself and the people I love. And so, in our common environment, the tissue I have been falling gradually until the end of September disappeared.
My friend died 13 days ago, and since that Monday I have not wearing hijab.
Whenever someone dies suddenly tend to hoard a lot of things last : the phone call, a gossip who did not finish, the last conversation. I think you become more aware that in other times of what you have left to say. My friend has not come to know that I have lifted the veil for something rather than not to hear, and what's worse is that I did not. I think it would have told you. O have been stronger, or happier, or at least be better groomed.
The question is that I miss my scarves. I feel pretty enough, the truth, and so [harmful] Muslim as last month. At least one thing I knew it, I think: I owe to her the existence of one of the most important of my life. I remember a long hair that may be my way of giving thanks.
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