Friday, December 10, 2010

How To Congratulate In Spanish

: Metronome Breathing and relaxation in the practice of kendo picture director

I'm not sure how I got this interesting article Eric Frey in Dangerouslyfit , who left here in English.

Recently our class started kendo with a breathing exercise called metronome. put a metronome in the dojo and adjust your breathing to your pulse. Breathing with a metronome provides a few benefits for the sport and the improvement of consciousness in general, and to practice kendo in particular. But before we take note of several key aspects:

- Breathe deeply with the abdomen. This involves the diaphragm [instead of the chest] and carries air to the bottom of the lungs. Imagine your breath located at a point about five centimeters [2 inches or.] Below the navel.

- Inhale through your nose and blow air through the mouth. If you have trouble breathing through the nose, with a cold or any other reason, inspired by the mouth.

- exhale almost completely while the navel inward shrug. So more air expelled from the lungs, and be within less polluted air.

The first benefit we get to this is relaxation. This is an exercise you can do quickly and easily at any time of day you feel stress. The old advice that says "stop and catch air" has a lot to do with it. After a few breaths, begin to feel a deep relaxation. Reduce the stress level has more advantages: up testosterone, improves sleep, accelerates physical recovery between workouts and improves their performance, both physically and mentally, and many others.

slow breathing to the metronome has also positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. It consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic system: think of them as, respectively, the control of the instinctive response "fight or flight" and the calm and relax the body. Research indicates that the sympathetic ("fight or flight") is activated by a high rate of breathing. So, even if your mind is calm, your body will feel well if your breathing is rapid. Slow it down reduces the activation of the sympathetic and balanced by the parasympathetic. Some experts suggest that a regular practice of breathing, the natural rhythm of it conforms to the lowest rate that we practicing regularly. This can be beneficial for those suffering from fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue.

Men o tsuke!

For a beneficial effect should be an average of five breaths per minute. This implies inspirations and exhalations of six seconds. Set your metronome to 60 bpm and breathes with the rhythm "inspire-2-3-4-5-6, breath-2-3-4-5-6." Do this for about five minuots leave you relaxed.

If you can not hold their breath for six seconds, begins with a lower cadence, about four seconds to inspire and exhale.

Benefits for the practice of kendo

When we apply these advantages our kendo, you need only to think of the kiri Kaeshi . If a newcomer breath several times in each round of Kaeshi kiri, a kenshi with more practice you can do it entirely in two breaths, or even at a time. To achieve this it is important to inhale deeply and breath control. The metronome helps us to acquire the control of the air.

I like to set the metronome to 76 bpm and breathe in inspiration and exhalation of four seconds. After a few cycles lowered the pace to eight seconds, and finally inspired by four seconds and count up to 12 to exhale. Gradually increase the time helps you relax. To see how you can control your breathing.

When you practice breathing with a metronome to improve your kendo, is particularly important to work the abdomen. Breathing with the guts [and not the chest] prevents your shoulders to rise to catch their breath, your opponent will see this movement, you know that you inspire, and take the opportunity to attack. It is difficult to move explosively as you breathe in, so he will know that you can not attack, and it will cost you much to defend. If you can inspire without being noticed quickly and maximize your breath, had the advantage.


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