I join the list of eulogies remembering these things:
Treading the Poet I
Treading the Poet II
Treading the Poet III
Excuse the bad
are written. I improved a bit in the last two years.
The campaign is humanization, understanding self-injury as an ineffective and unhealthy coping with certain situations emotional, which encourage respect and understanding and understanding by society. [...]
We would like to return against our objectives. To avoid "contagion" or create a lifestyle type ana / mia "or promoting fashion bracelets
In the short minute and a half in duration, the sequence graffiti moved to a South Korean factory where dozens of exploited workers made the merchandising of the series. However, the scenes "more raw and sad" were eliminated, as announced by the show's executive producer.
The graffiti has managed to once again demonstrate their mastery when combined with urban art fiercest criticism.
seems likely that Homer, March, Bart, Lisa and Maggie do not return to be the same ... at least for the viewer. And in the time when the family sits in front of the TV, the action moves to China , where hundreds of underpaid workers make exact replicas of the family.
Clean Clothes!And so on the thing.
sure at this point and how quickly it spread and such appeals will be heard around the world as among the many campaigns, initiatives pigtails and solidarity calls Monday is the 19-O .
Today has been chosen by The Fururkusfera to celebrate "the day of the Troll"
All fururkus dedicated that day, full time, to meet their trolacos, enscuchándolos, posting their comments and answered, in short, giving all the love possible.
They deserve this day because they are large restro none during the year.